If you are a membership-based organization such as an association, union, or non-profit with volunteers, then based on your viewpoint you are probably faced with either the challenge or opportunity to provide for the open exchange of informal ideas and knowledge. Whether you are a subscriber or mission-based organization, you may already be providing outbound subject-matter expert knowledge to your community, perhaps taking the form of courses or events. However, members of your community may also have valuable knowledge that others might be interested in. This sharing of knowledge provided by your members within and for your membership could benefit your entire community.
You may have historically used a threaded discussion board, forum, or document management system in an attempt to do so, with limited results. This is because these tools typically do not:
Have sufficient depth, breadth, or scope
Use the wisdom of the crowd to identify, surface and magnify the best innovative ideas, knowledge, and people
Accommodate the ability to capture and measure institutional knowledge
Allow for bookmarking and collections of internal and externally referenced materials
Reward contributions and sharing
We believe that by providing a sense of being valued for contributing and sharing knowledge and ideas as well as being recognized by peers, the NanoNotion process can aid in attracting new members and retaining existing members. At the same time, the process supports the organization-wide objective of building a knowledge pool that is accessible and mineable across the organization. For both members and management, the process yields the most significant knowledge assets, driving organizational momentum toward goals and objectives.